
Season your Jägarstekpanna

For best results when cooking, the pan should be well seared with oil or fat.

You can use your Jägarstekpanna exactly as it is when you buy it. Just wash it before first use. The pan will be uneven in color at first, but over time after several times in the campfire the entire pan will blacken. When using the pan, fat is always needed when frying in it. This is a slow method to get a seasoned pan.

However, we recommend that you do a proper seasoning right from the start, which provides a “non-stick coating” and a protective layer against rust formation. You will still need to use fat in the pan when cooking, but significantly less.

Seasoning by the campfire

    • Wash the pan with dish soap at home. This is more or less the first and last time you should use dish soap in the Stabilotherm Jägarpanna.
    • Oil the pan with a thin layer of cooking oil over the entire pan, both front and back. We recommend sunflower oil.
    • We recomend that you unscrew the wooden shaft before seasoning, otherwise you have to be very careful and keep an eye on the shaft so it doesn’t end up in the fire.
    • Place the frying pan straight into the fire. Let it sit for a good while so that it starts to smoke and the fat starts to burn into the pan. Turn the pan so that the other side is also heated and burnt.
    • If the pan starts to dry out of oil, apply another thin layer.
    • A properly burned pan will turn brown-black, often lighter at the edges. Over time, the pan becomes darker and more beautiful.

Season you pan in the kitchen

    • Wash the pan with dish soap.
    • Dry the pan and apply a thin layer of sunflower oil.
    • Unscrew the wooden handle if your pan has one.
    • Set the frying pan on a rack in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes until the oil dries up and becomes a dark film. Keep an eye on the pan.
    • Repeat by adding another layer of oil and then back into the oven. This may need to be done several times.
    • When the pan has cooled – wipe off excess oil with paper towels.

The seasoning failed

If the seasoning became uneven, you can redo the process by adding another layer of oil and repeating the burn-in until the entire pan gets a burnt-in tone.

In case of a very uneven burning, clean the pan with steel wool and start all over again.

Additional tips when seasoning yoy pan

Some people feel that the result of the sesoning is best if the surface of the Jägarstepannan is first lightly sanded with fine sandpaper.